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Gmail Automation

Build an automated email system with smart labeling, auto-responses, and AI-powered filtering

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Let's build a Gmail automation system that:

  • πŸ“Š Smart email classification by category (work, personal, social, promotion, spam, update)
  • 🚨 Urgency detection (high, medium, low) with prioritization
  • πŸ’¬ Intelligent automated responses based on email context
  • 🏷️ Automatic email organization (labeling, archiving)
  • πŸ“ˆ Daily summary reports via Discord
  • πŸ”’ Secure Gmail API integration with OAuth2 authentication flow
  • ⚑ Real-time email monitoring with webhook notifications

The Steps

Visual Overview

Here's how the automation flow works:

Flow: Gmail Automation Steps

🌊 Workflow Architecture

The Gmail Account Manager workflow consists of the following steps:

1. Gmail Authentication (Multi-Step Flow)

  • Files:
    • steps/gmail-get-auth-url.step.ts: Generates OAuth2 authorization URL
    • steps/gmail-auth.step.ts: Handles authorization code exchange
    • steps/gmail-token-status.step.ts: Checks token validity and refreshes if needed

2. Gmail Webhook (API Step)

  • File: steps/gmail-webhook.step.ts
  • Purpose: Receives notifications from Gmail when new emails arrive
  • Emits: gmail.new_email event with message details
  • Endpoint: POST /api/gmail-webhook

3. Gmail Watch (API Step)

  • File: steps/gmail-watch.step.ts
  • Purpose: Sets up push notifications for the Gmail account
  • Endpoint: GET /api/watch

4. Fetch Email (Event Step)

  • File: steps/fetch-email.step.ts
  • Purpose: Retrieves the full email content from Gmail API
  • Subscribes to:
  • Emits: with complete email data
  • Key Functions: Authenticates with Gmail API, fetches message content, parses attachments

5. Analyze Email (Event Step)

  • File: steps/
  • Purpose: Uses Hugging Face models to analyze email content
  • Subscribes to:
  • Emits: with analysis results
  • Analysis Performed:
    • Category classification
    • Urgency detection
    • Sentiment analysis
    • Key information extraction

6. Organize Email (Event Step)

  • File: steps/organize-email.step.ts
  • Purpose: Applies labels and organization based on analysis
  • Subscribes to:
  • Emits: [,]
  • Actions: Creates/applies labels, archives certain emails, marks importance

7. Auto-Respond to Email (Event Step)

  • File: steps/auto-responder.step.ts
  • Purpose: Generates and sends appropriate responses for certain emails
  • Subscribes to:
  • Emits:
  • Features:
    • Template selection based on email context
    • Personalization of responses
    • Auto-reply for urgent messages
    • Follow-up scheduling

8. Daily Summary (Cron Step)

  • File: steps/daily-summary.step.ts
  • Purpose: Compiles and sends daily email activity summary
  • Schedule: Runs daily at 6:00 PM
  • Emits: gmail.summary.sent
  • Delivery: Sends report to Discord via webhook

Try It Out

πŸ“‹ Prerequisites

  • Node.js (v18+)
  • Python (v3.8+)
  • Gmail API credentials (client_id and client_secret)
  • Google Cloud project with Pub/Sub API enabled
  • Hugging Face API token
  • Discord webhook URL (for daily summaries)

πŸš€ Quick Start

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone
    cd gmail-flow
  2. Install Node.js dependencies

    pnpm install
  3. Install Python dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Configure environment variables

    cp .env.example .env

    Then edit the .env file with your credentials (see setup sections below).

  5. Start the development server

    pnpm dev
  6. Open the Motia Workbench

    Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the workflow UI.

πŸ”§ Detailed Setup

Setting up Google Cloud Project and Gmail API

Before you can use the Gmail Account Manager, you need to set up a Google Cloud project with the Gmail API and Pub/Sub:

  1. Create a Google Cloud Project:

    • Go to Google Cloud Console
    • Click on "New Project" and follow the steps to create a new project
    • Note your project ID for later use
  2. Enable the Gmail API:

    • In your project, go to "APIs & Services" > "Library"
    • Search for "Gmail API" and click on it
    • Click "Enable"
  3. Enable the Pub/Sub API:

    • In your project, go to "APIs & Services" > "Library"
    • Search for "Cloud Pub/Sub API" and click on it
    • Click "Enable"
  4. Create OAuth Credentials:

    • Go to "APIs & Services" > "Credentials"
    • Click "Create Credentials" > "OAuth client ID"
    • Set the application type to "Desktop app"
    • Click "Create"
    • Note your Client ID and Client Secret for your .env file:

Setting up Google Pub/Sub for Gmail Notifications

To enable real-time email notifications, you need to set up a Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic and subscription:

  1. Create a Pub/Sub Topic:

    • In your Google Cloud Console, go to "Pub/Sub" > "Topics"
    • Click "Create Topic"
    • Name your topic (e.g., gmail-notifications)
    • Add the service account as a Topic Publisher to allow Gmail to publish notifications
    • Click "Create"
    • Note the full topic name (usually projects/your-project-id/topics/gmail-notifications) for your .env file:
  2. Create a Pub/Sub Subscription:

    • Once your topic is created, click "Create Subscription"
    • Name your subscription (e.g., gmail-notifications-push)
    • Set the Delivery Type to "Push"
    • Set the Endpoint URL to your webhook URL (e.g.,
      • For local development, you'll need to use a tool like ngrok to expose your local server
    • Click "Create"
  3. Set up Domain Verification (if needed):

    • If you're using a custom domain for your webhook endpoint, you may need to verify domain ownership
    • Follow the instructions in Google Cloud Console for domain verification

Gmail API Authentication

This project includes a complete OAuth2 authentication flow for the Gmail API:

  1. Start the development server: pnpm dev
  2. Navigate to the authentication workflow in the Motia Workbench
  3. The workflow will generate an authorization URL
  4. Open the URL in your browser and authorize the application
  5. The application will receive and store your authentication tokens

Discord Webhook Configuration

To receive daily email summaries in Discord, follow these steps to set up a webhook:

  1. Create a Discord Server (skip if you already have one):

    • Open Discord and click the "+" icon on the left sidebar
    • Select "Create My Own" and follow the setup wizard
  2. Create a Channel for Notifications:

    • Right-click on your server name and select "Server Settings"
    • Go to "Channels" and click "Create Channel"
    • Name it (e.g., "email-summaries") and click "Create"
  3. Create a Webhook:

    • Right-click on your new channel and select "Edit Channel"
    • Go to "Integrations" tab
    • Click "Create Webhook"
    • Give it a name (e.g., "Gmail Summary Bot")
    • Optionally, customize the avatar
    • Click "Copy Webhook URL"
  4. Add Webhook URL to Environment Variables:

    • Open your .env file
    • Add or update the Discord webhook URL:
  5. Test the Webhook:

    • You can test if your webhook is working correctly with this curl command:
      curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{"content": "Testing Gmail Account Manager webhook"}' \
    • You should see the message appear in your Discord channel

Hugging Face Setup

  1. Create a Hugging Face Account:

  2. Generate an API Token:

    • Go to your Hugging Face account settings
    • Create a new API token
    • Copy the token to your .env file:

πŸ“ Project Structure

  • steps/ - Contains all workflow steps
    • gmail-get-auth-url.step.ts - Generates OAuth2 URL
    • gmail-auth.step.ts - Handles OAuth2 flow
    • gmail-token-status.step.ts - Manages token refresh
    • gmail-webhook.step.ts - Webhook endpoint for Gmail notifications
    • gmail-watch.step.ts - Sets up Gmail push notifications
    • fetch-email.step.ts - Fetches email content from Gmail API
    • - Python step for email analysis using Hugging Face
    • organize-email.step.ts - Organizes emails (labels, archives)
    • auto-responder.step.ts - Generates appropriate responses
    • daily-summary.step.ts - Sends daily summary to Discord
  • services/ - Shared service modules
  • config/ - Configuration files
  • .motia/ - Motia framework configuration

πŸ“¦ Dependencies

Node.js Dependencies

  • @motiadev/core, @motiadev/workbench, motia: Motia framework
  • googleapis, google-auth-library: Google API integration
  • gmail-api-parse-message-ts: Gmail message parsing
  • axios: HTTP client
  • zod: Schema validation
  • react: UI components

Python Dependencies

  • transformers, torch: Machine learning models
  • scikit-learn, numpy, pandas: Data processing
  • huggingface_hub: Access to Hugging Face models
  • python-dotenv: Environment variable loading

πŸ› οΈ Troubleshooting

  • Python Module Errors: Ensure you've installed all required Python packages with pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Authentication Errors: Verify your API credentials and follow the authentication flow
  • Webhook Issues: Make sure the webhook endpoint is publicly accessible or properly configured for testing
  • Token Refresh Errors: Check that your OAuth tokens are valid and that the refresh flow is working properly
  • Pub/Sub Not Working: Verify that your Pub/Sub topic and subscription are properly configured and that your service account has the necessary permissions

πŸ“ Environment Variables

Create a .env file with the following variables:

# Google API Configuration

# HuggingFace Configuration

# Discord Integration

# Auto-Responder Configuration
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