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How to Contribute

Guide for developers who want to contribute to Motia

How to Contribute

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Motia! We welcome contributions from the community to help make Motia better. Here are some ways you can contribute:

Reporting Issues

If you encounter any bugs, have feature requests, or want to discuss improvements, please open an issue on our GitHub repository. When reporting bugs, please provide detailed information about your environment and steps to reproduce the issue.

Submitting Pull Requests

We appreciate pull requests for bug fixes, enhancements, or new features. To submit a pull request:

  1. Fork the Motia repository on GitHub.
  2. Create a new branch from the main branch for your changes.
  3. Make your modifications and ensure that the code follows our coding conventions.
  4. Write tests to cover your changes, if applicable.
  5. Commit your changes and push them to your forked repository.
  6. Open a pull request against the main branch of the Motia repository.

Please provide a clear description of your changes in the pull request, along with any relevant information or context.

Documentation Improvements

Improving the documentation is a great way to contribute to Motia. If you find any errors, typos, or areas that need clarification, please submit a pull request with the necessary changes. The documentation source files are located in the packages/docs/content directory.

Sharing Examples and Use Cases

If you have built something interesting with Motia or have a real-world use case to share, we would love to showcase it in our Examples section. You can contribute your examples by submitting a pull request to the Motia Examples repository.

Spreading the Word

Help spread the word about Motia by sharing it with your friends, colleagues, and the developer community. You can also star our GitHub repository, follow us on Twitter, and join our Discord community to stay updated with the latest news and engage with other Motia developers.

We appreciate all forms of contributions and look forward to collaborating with you to make Motia even better!

Need help? See our Community Resources for questions, examples, and discussions.

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